


Before: Asserting a Right to Religious Freedom 革命之前:宣告宗教自由權


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接續前篇 Presbyterians and the American Revolution 長老教會與美國革命(中文翻譯)之一

Presbyterians took stands for religious and civil liberty well before the American Revolution. As “Dissenters” from the established Church of England, they mistrusted British colonial power—and were not afraid to assert a right to religious freedom when it was threatened.

Francis Makemie(1658-1708) arrived in the American colonies from Northern Ireland in the 1680s and founded a number of Presbyterian churches. In 1707 Lord Cornbury, the governor of New York, ordered him arrested for preaching without a license as required by the British government. Makemie spent two months in jail before his release on bail. At trial he produced his preaching license and was acquitted but not before incurring heavy legal costs. This became a landmark case in favor of religious freedom in America.

長老教會在美國革命之前就採取了宗教和公民自由的立場。 作為英格蘭建立的教會的 "反對者"(大寫的Dissenters英國歷史中是個專用名稱,是指脫離國家體制教會的“異議”基督徒團體,或可譯作“異離者 / 離異者”) ,他們不信任英國的殖民勢力,並且在受到威脅時不懼於主張宗教自由的權利。

法蘭西斯·馬克米耶 (1658-1708)在十七世紀八零年代抵達北愛爾蘭的美洲殖民地,並建立了一些長老教會。1707年,紐約州的總督科尼布里勳爵按照英國政府的命令,要依無照傳教逮捕他。在獲得保釋之前,馬克米耶在監獄裡待了兩個月。在審訊時,他出示了他的佈道執照,並被宣判無罪,直到引致巨額的訴訟費用才辦到。這成為了有利於美國宗教自由的標誌性的案件 。


Francis Makemie's trial before Lord Cornbury, watercolor by Henry A. Ogden, undated.  法蘭西斯·馬克米耶在柯尼布里勛爵面前受審訊,亨利A.奧格登繪製水彩畫,未標註繪畫日期

The mid-eighteenth-century Great Awakening fostered in many people a deeply personal Christianity that led them to act in ways that challenged established religious authorities, often stretching cultural norms of gender and race. Revivalist preacher George Whitefield(1714-1770), an English Anglican, fired the Great Awakening in America with his preaching from Georgia to New England.

十八世紀中葉的大覺醒運動促使許多人成了深入的個體化基督徒(有別於依賴教會與牧者的基督徒),導致他們會採取各種方式來挑戰既有的宗教權威,而且會延伸至對文化上的性別(原始翻譯為gender,可翻譯為社會性別)期許與種族偏見的文化規範的挑戰(您沒看錯,起初的大復興運動部分參與者在今日基要派來看就是自由派,起初的復興運動的追隨者與後來強調復興運動的團體似乎並不一致,詳見註一)。復興運動傳道人喬治‧懷特腓(George Whitefield,1714-1770年)是一位英國聖公會,從喬治亞州一路佈道到新英格蘭,點燃了美國的大覺醒運動。

George Whitefield, undated.喬治懷特腓,未標註日期。


Samuel Davies (1723-1761) ministered to Native Americans and enslaved African Americans in Virginia and influenced a young Patrick Henry.


Portrait of Samuel Davies, undated.薩繆爾‧戴維斯肖像畫,未標註日期。

Title page of Samuel Davies' 1757 sermon, The Duty of Christians to Propogate their Religion among Heathens. 薩繆爾‧戴維斯1757年佈道的標題頁,基督徒在異教徒間中傳揚宗教的責任。

Sarah Haggar Wheaton Osborn (1714-1796) was a teacher and Congregational leader in Newport, Rhode Island. In the early 1740s, revivalist preachers George Whitefield and Presbyterian Gilbert Tennent deeply inspired Osborn, and she began to host Bible discussions with women from her neighborhood. By the 1760s, her weekly meetings attracted hundreds of people, including slaves—much to the dismay of some Newport residents who believed women should not act as religious leaders at all, much less to crowds of mixed race and gender.


Pages from Sarah Osborn’s diary, Nov. 14 and Nov. 20, 1761. 撒拉‧奧斯本日記中的頁面。1761年11月14日跟20日

Presbyterian influence in the colonies grew markedly in the middle decades of the 1700s, shaped by the Great Awakening and an influx of Scottish and Scots Irish immigrants, most of whom were Presbyterian. The heady mix of evangelical religion and increased population propelled Presbyterians to establish local academies and colleges to educate leaders for the growing flock.


William Tennent (1673-1746) founded the first school to educate Presbyterian ministers in colonial America in 1727. During the Great Awakening his "Log College" and its graduates adhered to the evangelical views espoused by George Whitefield, Samuel Davies, and other "New Side" Presbyterians.

威廉‧田內特(William Tennent,1673-1746)於1727年成立了第一所在美國殖民地教育長老會宣教士的學校。在大覺醒運動期間,他的"Log學院"及其畢業生堅持喬治‧懷特腓、薩繆爾‧戴維斯和其他"新派"長老教會信徒所擁護的福音運動觀點。

"William Tennent talking to Charles Beatty at the Log College," from a Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Christian Education slide set, 1937. "威廉‧田內克在Log學院與查爾斯‧比提交談",出自美國基督教教育委員會的長老會教堂幻燈片集,1937年

Francis Alison (1705-1779) was one of the most influential Presbyterian pastors and educators in the decades leading up to the Revolutionary War. Alison was born in Ireland, educated at the University of Glasgow, and arrived in the colonies in the 1730s. He stood with “Old Side” Presbyterians during the Great Awakening, and founded the New London Academy in Pennsylvania. He later taught at the College of Philadelphia and Newark Academy in Delaware. Three signers of the Declaration of Independence studied under Alison as did Presbyterian Charles Thomson, secretary of the Continental Congress.

法蘭西斯‧艾莉森(Francis Alison,1705-1779)是美國革命戰爭之前幾十年中最有影響力的長老會牧師和教育家之一。艾莉森生於愛爾蘭,在格拉斯哥大學接受教育,並於十八世紀三零年代到達殖民地。他在大覺醒運動期間與"舊派"長老會站在一起,並在賓夕法尼亞州成立了新倫敦學院。他後來在費城學院和德拉瓦州的紐華克學院任教。陸會議秘書長查爾斯‧湯姆森和獨立宣言獨立的三位簽署人都曾在艾莉森門下學習。

Francis Alison, watercolor by Henry A. Ogden, undated. 法蘭西斯‧艾莉森,亨利A.奧格登繪製水彩畫,未標註日期。



Presbyterians and the American Revolution 長老教會與美國革命(中文翻譯)之三



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