Before: Religious And Political Conflict In The 1760s革命之前:1760年代的政教衝突 

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Pennsylvania, many of the new Presbyterian immigrants settled in frontier areas. Conflicts with Native Americans and concerns about Quaker political dominance erupted in violence in late 1763 when the Paxton Boys massacred a group of peaceful Susquehannock Indians near Lancaster. A larger group then marched on Philadelphia in early 1764. Benjamin Franklin rallied a militia that stopped the Paxton Boys outside the city, but the incident sparked much political tumult, especially between Quakers and Presbyterians who were labeled “Piss-brute-tarians (a bigoted, cruel and revengeful sect).” To counter the Presbyterians, Franklin backed a plan to install a royal government in Pennsylvania in place of the Penn proprietorship. Leading Presbyterian ministers including Gilbert Tennent and Francis Alison spoke out against a royal charter, and the conflict prompted formation of the first committees of correspondence—organized by Pennsylvania Presbyterians to oppose Franklin and his scheme. The Presbyterians and their allies succeeded, and a decade later committees of correspondence became a hallmark of American opposition to British rule during the Revolution.

在賓夕法尼亞州,許多新的長老會移民被安置在邊境地區。在1763年末,Paxton Boys (賓州愛爾蘭裔蘇格蘭移民自發組織的自衛團體)在蘭開斯特附近與土著美國人爆發衝突,並屠殺了一群愛好和平的蘇斯克漢諾克族印第安人,這致使貴格會教會對自己的政治主導地位產生疑慮。在1764年初,一個更大的群體行進至費城。班傑明·富蘭克林召集了一支阻止城外Paxton Boys的民兵組織,這是件事卻引發了更多的政治騷動,特別是長老會在貴格會之間被戲稱為“Piss-brute-tarians”,(一個頑固、殘忍和復仇心情強烈的教派(用諧音嘲笑長老教會的英文Presbyterians)。為了反擊長老會,富蘭克林支持在賓夕法尼亞州設立王室政府以取代Penn proprietorship(一種獨資經營的殖民單位)的計劃。包括吉爾伯特·坦內特和法蘭西斯·艾莉森在內的主要長老會議長們反對皇室憲章,這場衝突促成了第一批由賓夕法尼亞長老會組織的反對富蘭克林及其計劃的通信委員會。後來長老會及其盟友取得了成功,十年後的通信委員會成為美國革命時期反對英國統治的標誌。

Political cartoons of the era captured the animosity between Quakers and Presbyterians. In the drawing below, Quaker merchant Israel Pemberton, identified by his initials “IP” on the barrel in the lower left, gives hatchets to the Indians, telling them to “Exercise those on the Scotch Irish & Dutch & I’ll support you while I can.” Benjamin Franklin, in the right foreground, stands holding a bag of Pennsylvania money saying he will be content if he gets the government. A group of Quaker men sit behind them at the table and fret over the colony’s fate with one of them saying, “I’m afraid those wicked Presbyterians will get their ends accomplished.”


Cartoon by James Claypoole?, 1764. Courtesy of the Library Company of Philadelphia and Digital Paxton. James Claypoole(?)的漫畫,1764年。由費城公司圖書館和Digital Paxton提供。

Presbyterians joined others in criticizing the Anglican Church, contributing to the revolutionary fervor by undermining the concepts of authority that had denominated colonial life. Controversy over the possible appointment of an Anglican bishop for the colonies heated up in the 1760s with George III's accession to the British throne.


Cartoon from 1768 depicting angry American colonists using long poles to push the ship of an Anglican bishop out to sea. The mob flings a volume of Calvin's Works at the bishop while shouting, "Liberty & Freedom of Conscience." Print designed and engraved for the Political Register. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4, no. 4227. Courtesy of Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Divison.
政治經濟上的自由與自由的良知(詳見註一)"。由政治登記冊(報社名)設計和刻印的印刷品。大英博物館的版畫和繪畫目錄。第一部分,政治和個人諷刺,第4節,第4227 號。由國會圖書館印刷與相片分布提供。

Into this charged atmosphere came John Witherspoon. He arrived from Scotland in 1768 to lead the College of New Jersey (later Princeton University), the school founded by “New Side” Presbyterians in 1746. Although seen as a moderating force initially, Witherspoon was quite outspoken in his support for the patriot cause. Both Witherspoon and Francis Alison strongly opposed the installation of an Anglican bishop in America. Witherspoon served in the Continental Congress and was the only active minister to sign the Declaration of Independence. He also educated a number of leading revolutionaries including James Madison and Aaron Burr.


Portrait of John Witherspoon, undated. 約翰威瑟斯普恩的肖像,未註明日期。

1764 copper engraving by Philadelphia artist Henry Dawkins — copied from a drawing by William Tennent — shows Nassau Hall and Maclean House at the College of New Jersey. Image courtesy of Princeton University Library’s Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.




Presbyterians and the American Revolution 長老教會與美國革命(中文翻譯)之四





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