During: The Fighting Presbyterians 革命期間:戰爭中的長老會


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George Duffield (1732-1790) left his role as pastor at Third Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia to serve as Chaplain of the Pennsylvania Militia and co-Chaplain of the Continental Congress. Sixty men from his congregation joined him in the army; their collective service earned Third Presbyterian the nickname “Church of the Patriots.”

喬治‧杜斐德(George Duffield,1732-1790)離開他在費城的第三長老會教堂牧師的職位,去擔任賓州民兵的牧師和大陸會議的共同牧師。他的會眾當中有六十人加入了他的軍隊;他們這樣的公共參與為第三長老會被暱稱為“愛國者教會”。

Portrait of George Duffield. Published by W.P. Farrand, ca. 1810 喬治‧杜斐德的肖像,W.P.法蘭德出版,大約1810年

James Francis Armstrong (1750-1816) studied under John Witherspoon at the College of New Jersey in the years before the war. He was ordained in 1776, and soon began a career as a chaplain that lasted until 1782. In 1779, he preached a sermon to George Washington’s troops at the Middlebrook encampment near Bridgewater, New Jersey. The manuscript copy of the sermon still exists in the collection of the First Presbyterian Church in Trenton, New Jersey.

詹姆斯·法蘭西斯·阿姆斯壯(James Francis Armstrong,1750-1816)在戰前的幾年於新澤西學院在約翰‧威瑟斯普恩(John Witherspoon)門下求學。他於1776年被任命為牧師,並且很快開始了他的隨行牧師職業生涯一直到1782年。1779年,他在紐澤西州布里奇沃特附近的米德爾布魯克營地向喬治華盛頓的部隊講道。佈道的手稿副本仍然存檔於新澤西州特倫頓的第一長老會教堂。

James Francis Armstrong, untitled sermon, 1780. Item on loan to PHS courtesy of First Presbyterian Church, Trenton, N.J. 詹姆斯·法蘭西斯·阿姆斯壯,1780年,未命名的佈道。第一長老教會借給PHS(美國長老教會歷史協會)的物件,在紐澤西州的翠登。

Other Presbyterian chaplains and officers gave their lives to the Patriot effort. James Caldwell (1734-1781), pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Elizabethtown, New Jersey, earned the moniker the “fighting parson” for his commitment to the rebel cause. Like Duffield and Armstrong, he served as a chaplain, in this case to the Continental Army. During the June 1780 Battle of Springfield, Caldwell exhorted American troops to use pages from copies of Isaac Watts’ Hymnal as gun wadding. Legend has it that Caldwell told the troops, “Give ‘em Watts, boys!” or “Put Watts in them, boys!”—a scene vividly rendered in Henry Alexander Ogden’s watercolor, “James Caldwell at the Battle of Springfield.”

其他長老會牧師和軍官也為愛國者大業奉獻出他們生命。詹姆斯‧考德威爾(James Caldwell,1734-1781)是新澤西州伊麗莎白鎮長老會的牧師,因其對反叛事業的投入而贏得了“戰鬥牧師”這個綽號。像杜斐德和阿姆斯壯一樣,他在這個情勢下在大陸軍(詳見第四篇註二)擔任牧師。 在1780年6月春田戰役期間,考德威爾鼓勵美國軍隊使用以撒‧華茲的讚美詩的拷貝頁面作為槍棉(詳見註一)。相傳是考德威爾告訴部隊:“給他們華茲,小子們!”或者“把華茲打進他們的身體,小子們!” - 這幅場景生動地描繪在亨利‧亞歷山大‧奧格登的水彩畫中,“春田戰役中的詹姆斯‧考德威爾”。

“James Caldwell at the Battle of Springfield,” Henry Alexander Ogden, watercolor, undated.“春田戰役中的詹姆斯‧考德威爾”,亨利‧亞歷山大‧奧格登所繪製水彩畫,未標註日期。

After the Battle of Springfield, British forces burned down the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield, New Jersey, and the surrounding village. Later that month, Caldwell’s wife Hannah was shot and killed after the Battle of Connecticut Farms in Union Township, New Jersey. Reverend Caldwell died in November 1781, also on the fringes of battle, when an American sentry shot him—reportedly for refusing to allow the search of a package he was carrying.

在春田戰役後,英國軍隊燒毀了位於紐澤西州春田的第一長老會和周圍的村莊。這個月後期,考德威爾的妻子漢娜在康涅狄格農場戰役後於新澤西州尤寧鎮遭槍殺。考德威爾牧師於1781年11月去世,也是在戰鬥的邊緣,當時一名美國哨兵射殺了他 - 據說是因為他拒絕讓哨兵搜查他攜帶的包裹。

Portion of a roof shingle from the church rebuilt after the war, 1791. Item on loan to PHS courtesy of First Presbyterian Church, Springfield, NJ. 於1791年戰後重建教堂屋頂瓦片的一部分,第一長老教會借給PHS(美國長老教會歷史協會)的物件,在紐澤西州的春田。

Another Presbyterian martyr was Hugh Mercer, a Scottish-born physician who became an officer in the Continental Army in 1776. Instrumental in General Washington’s victories in Trenton in December 1776, Mercer was leading a group of Washington’s soldiers to Princeton in early January 1777 when his brigade encountered British troops. Mercer was mistaken for George Washington and ordered to surrender; though he fought for his life, he was killed by British soldiers.

另一位長老會殉道者是休伊·默瑟(Hugh Mercer),一位生於蘇格蘭的醫生,於1776年成為大陸軍的一名軍官。更在華盛頓將軍在1776年12月翠登的戰爭勝利中有所貢獻,默瑟在1777年1月初帶領一群華盛頓士兵前往普林斯頓, 他帶領的隊伍遇上到英軍。默瑟被誤認為喬治‧華盛頓並命令投降:儘管他奮命抵抗,仍被英國士兵所殺。

The Death of General Mercer at the Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777. John Trumbull, oil on canvas, circa 1787–circa 1831. 於1777年1月3日,於普林斯頓戰役的默瑟將軍之死。約翰‧特朗布爾所繪製油畫。約繪於1787年-1831年間。

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House in Alexandria, Virginia, serves as a poignant memorial to the war’s many dead. The permanent tombstone dates to 1929, when Alexandria's American Legion Post 24 led a nationwide effort to erect the permanent tribute.


Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution, circa 2014. Churchyard Burial Ground of the Old Presbyterian Meeting House, Alexandria, VA. Photo courtesy of Old Presbyterian Meeting House. 美國革命的無名戰士墓。位於維吉尼亞州亞歷山卓市的老長老會議會議室的的墓地。照片由老長老會議大樓提供。約2014年,



Presbyterians and the American Revolution 長老教會與美國革命(中文翻譯)之六


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